Useful Links

ARB (Architects Registration Board) you can search the Architects’ Register online – www.arb.org.uk
RIAS (Royal Incorporation of Architects in Scotland) – www.rias.org.uk
RIBA (Royal Institute of British Architects) – www.architecture.com
A&DS (Architecture and Design Scotland) – www.ads.org.uk
The Lighthouse, Glasgow (the Scottish architecture centre) – www.thelighthouse.co.uk
Historic Environment Scotland – www.historicenvironment.scot
Stirling City Heritage Trust – www.stirlingcityheritagetrust.org
Stirling Civic Trust  – www.stirlingcivictrust.org.uk
Architects Benevolent Society – www.absnet.org.uk

APS (Association for Project Safety) – www.aps.org.uk
Health and Safety Executive – www.hse.gov.uk

Planning and Building Standards
RTPI (Royal Town Planning Institute) – www.rtpi.org.uk
The Technical Standards can be browsed online and downloaded as PDF files – www.gov.scot/Topics/Built-Environment/Building/Building-standards

Sponsors of SSA Events
CPD 2017-18
Russwood (selected sustainable timber) – www.russwood.co.uk
Knauf AMF Ceilings Ltd – www.knaufamf.com
GEZE (wide range of products including ironmongery) – www.geze.co.uk

SSA Design Awards 2018
Wood for Good – www.woodforgood.com
The Forrestry Commission – www.forestry.gov.uk
Cupa (slates) – www.cupapizarras.com/uk
Fakro (roof windows and loft ladders) – www.fakro.co.uk



Stirling Society of Architects

Follow us:

SSA Committee Members:

Sandy Lees (Acting President)
Tommy Thomson (Past President)
Caroline Meikle (Treasurer)
Ally Croll
Claire Gibbons
Mhairi Grant
Liliane McGeoch


SSA Representatives at RIAS Committees:

Conservation - Sonya Linskaill
Council - Tommy Thomson
Education -  Claire Gibbons
Practice - Tommy Thomson
PPC - Tommy Thomson
Sustainability - Mhairi Grant



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Website Design by: Arken Creative

Stirling Society of Architects

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To access the exclusive members content, click here:

All content © The Stirling Society of Architects

Website Design by: Arken Creative

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