Following the success of Peter Lee’s, of Carmody Groukes, talk on The Hill House Box, temporary enclosure of Charles Rennie Mackintosh’s Hill House, at our AGM, we have the fortune and privilege of being able have a preview of its completion in Helensburgh. The tour is due to take place this coming Tuesday, the 28th May at 6pm, numbers may be limited to 30 to keep things manageable.
For those of you who noted early interest, the committee is exploring the possibility of arranging a bus to Hill House and back, details of this will follow shortly. For those of you without travel plans, there will be parking available at Hill House.
We’re sure you can agree this will be a tremendous trip to see a very striking structure protecting the delicate building fabric during The Hill House’s restoration project. It is also an opportunity to see it before it is opened by the public and allowing previously unseen views of a fantastic Mackintosh building.
Click here for tickets