Following the feedback gathered via the survey undertaken last year, the SSA Sustainability Subcommittee are pleased to announce a series of Case Study focussed in-depth presentations covering various aspects of sustainable design practice. We will be covering a variety of topics, from Passivhaus and new build, to structural engineering design and embodied carbon, and works to existing buildings, amongst other things.

The final touches are being put to an exciting programme of speakers for this series over the upcoming months.

The first in the series will be on Friday the 12th March 2021 from 11am – 12pm.

This presentation will cover an introduction to the Passivhaus Standard, followed by an in-depth description of the construction and post occupancy monitoring of Ostro, a new-build Certified Passivhaus in rural Stirling. This contemporary detached dwelling was largely self-built by the Architect and her partner, and also achieved the Gold Standard as set out in Section 7: Sustainability in the Technical Standards. 

These presentations will be in a digital format and hosted via Zoom.

The Committee has taken the decision to make these events free of charge for all attendees.

We hope that many of you can join us for the first in this new series of Sustainability focused CPD events.

How to get tickets

Get tickets for the event with Eventbrite by clicking below.

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