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Launch of the SSA Awards 2023
The SSA are pleased to announce the launch of the year's awards after a hiatus. Competition timeline* Call for entries Monday 17th April 2023 Deadline for entries 5pm on Friday 19th May 2023 Shortlist announced End of May 2023 Site visits & judging process June...

Sustainability CPD Series
Following the feedback gathered via the survey undertaken last year, the SSA Sustainability Subcommittee are pleased to announce a series of Case Study focussed in-depth presentations covering various aspects of sustainable design practice. We will be covering a...

Stirling Society of Architect’s Chapter Sustainability Committee
The SSA are looking for interested members to express their interest in joining a Chapter based Sustainability Committee. Everyone is welcome! It would be beneficial to have a Committee with architects who collectively have a diverse set of skills and...

Architects Climate Action Network! – an opportunity for a Scottish Regional group
"The Architects Climate Action Network (ACAN) is a network of individuals within architecture and related built environment professions taking action to address the twin crises of climate and ecological breakdown."( Discussions have...

Technical Aid Incubator – get involved!
The RIAS Sustainability Working Group have recently been working on a proposal to potentially create a Technical Aid Incubator that has a Climate Emergency response at it’s heart. The main purpose would be two-fold: firstly, the incubator would be of benefit to...
Half Day CPD
14th November 2019 @ Forth Valley Colleage Following on from this years RIAS Convention , Climate of Opinion, the theme of this half day CPD is Climate Change and Sustainability. The programme for the half day is as follows: • 13:00-13:30: Buffet lunch • 13:30 -...

Preview tour of The Hill House Box by Carmody Groarke
Following the success of Peter Lee’s, of Carmody Groukes, talk on The Hill House Box, temporary enclosure of Charles Rennie Mackintosh's Hill House, at our AGM, we have the fortune and privilege of being able have a preview of its completion in Helensburgh. The tour...

Conservation 101
The Stirling Society of Architects in Partnership with Historic Environment Scotland present a morning series of building blocks on conservation. Discover the philosophy and ethics of building conservation. Learn how to identify common decay mechanisms and building...

2019 AGM + Half Day CPD
21st March 2019 @ Falkirk Business Hub12:30 - Buffet lunch13:00 - AGM13:30 - Zinc cladding presented by SIG Design & Technology14:20 - Aberdeen Small Practice Group by Gordon Smith15:10 - Tea/Coffee Break15:20 - Changes to Fire Standards (sprinklers,...

SBCC Evening Seminars presented by Len Bunton
Three Evening SBCC Seminars: Len Bunton FRICS FCI Arb Hon. FRIAS to present seminars on SBCC at The Crannog, Stirling Dates: 21 and 28 January, 4 February 2019 Time 4:30 PM to 6:30 PM Venue: Crannog Stirling, at the Castle Business Park, Stirling FK9 4TW Cost: free...
Stirling Society of Architects
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SSA Committee Members:
Sandy Lees (Acting President)
Tommy Thomson (Past President)
Caroline Meikle (Treasurer)
Ally Croll
Claire Gibbons
Mhairi Grant
Liliane McGeoch
SSA Representatives at RIAS Committees:
Conservation - Sonya Linskaill
Council - Tommy Thomson
Education - Claire Gibbons
Practice - Tommy Thomson
PPC - Tommy Thomson
Sustainability - Mhairi Grant
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All content © The Stirling Society of Architects
Website Design by: Arken Creative
Stirling Society of Architects
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To access the exclusive members content, click here:
All content © The Stirling Society of Architects
Website Design by: Arken Creative